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Get things done
with UniGiude

The Uniguide application is an application that aims to teach people about private universities, institutes and colleges that contain the specialization of computer science, as well as knowledge of the field and specializations that exist in this section.

App Landing Page

Get things done
with UniGudie

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Some of the best features Of Our App!

Reducing Wasting time

Reducing Wasting time by realistic and accurate information about all types of universities and institutes from real recources

Social Interactions

We perform feature of Interactions with articls with other users

Customer Support

We provide support continuous support if the user need help.

Road Maps

We provide road map for every track and courses that helps the user to begin in the major or track that he want.

How Can We HelpYour
with UniGiude!

Realistic Information

Realistic and accurate information about all types of universities and institutes

Majors Knowledgement

Brief about every major and some courses to begin in it so that will make it easy for you to choose your major by understanding what is the responsibilities in real life job

Scholarships Announcement

We perform feature of Announcement every available Scholarship to make it easy for the user to participate in it.

The video to app

Uniguide Apps

Application screens that contain content from universities, institutes and computer science majors.

Our App Available Android Devices Download now

Meet Our Team!

Hossam Nabil Mohamed

(Team Leader)

(Cybersecurity Engineer)

Abubakr Ahmed Fayez

(Back-End Developer)

(Security Researcher)

Abanob Nady Megalaa

(Flutter Developer)

Ammar Yasser Hussein

(Front-End Developer)

(UI/UX Designer)

Ahmed Mohamed Saleh

(Flutter Developer)

Abduallah Raafat Shalaby

(Flutter Developer)

Say Hello To The UniGuide Team.